Enter the number of times you want the notehead shape information copied.If the target measure isn’t visible on the screen, scroll until it’s visible, then COMMAND+ALT-click it to display the Paste Multiple dialog box. Drag the first highlighted measure so that it’s superimposed on the first target measure.Select Notehead, Accidental and Tablature String Alterations.The Edit Filter dialog box appears, listing elements of the music that you can copy individually. See Selecting music for some region-selecting shortcuts. Choose the Selection tool, and select the modified measure or measures.

Double-click the handle of the notehead you want to change.Choose the Special Tools tool, and click the measure in question.You can also change individual noteheads to any shape. You can globally define noteheads to be a particular shape on the basis of rhythmic value, position on the staff, or both. A notehead can be any shape in Finale, including X, diamond, square, circle, slash-you can even create invisible noteheads.